Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Civilization Sculpture Essay - 1650 Words

1. â€Å"Bronze statuette of Aphrodite† Date: late 2nd or 1st century B.C. Culture: Greece This statue of Aphrodite shows the dedication the Greeks had to their gods. The bronze goddess, holding her right arm in the air, gives off a powerful attitude. As the pose itself of the statue is not bland and more active, it gives the impression that this was created during the classical period of Greece when sculpture began having more relaxed, natural poses. The lack of more painstaking muscle and bone structure probably places it in the earlier part of the classical period though. What is most intriguing about the sculpture is the white eyes she is given that, in the face of a more natural, realistic human form, the eyes seem to retain an essence†¦show more content†¦The materials used were alabaster and limestone. The figure itself is roughly cut with clasped praying hands, unproportional body and shoulder sizes, and large unnatural eyes. Again, this lack of realism is significant to the time; the focus was not on the realistic portrayal of who it was fashioned for, but what ritual and religious purpose it served. 4. â€Å"Limestone grave relief with two sphinxes† Date: late 5th century B.C. Culture: Greece The sphinxes were popular mythical creatures, playing their part in myths and legends and stories throughout time—including the story of Oedipus, and the riddle of the sphinx. The beauty of the sphinx in this piece shows how much was passed around throughout Western culture. Egypt also memorialized the sphinx through wall art and sculpture, and this continuation (despite the nonexistence of the sphinx as a real creature) shows how much truly does carry on throughout history. This relief piece has subtle dimension, making it low relief rather than high relief. 5. Terracotta statuette of a standing woman Date: late 4th century B.C. Culture: Greek, Corinthian The woman, with the delicately â€Å"draped† clothing gives off a very natural, realistic impression. The painstakingly specific cuts of the womans clothes look so realistic the way they drape over her body. The Hellenistic era was very focused on making sculpture perfect from all anglesShow MoreRelatedWomen During The Greek Period1231 Words   |  5 Pages Women during The Greek Period and Now Art and sculptures have been created since the beginning of mankind in order to express themselves and demonstrate human potential. From simple carvings on a rock walls to magnificent works of art, such as the sixteenth chapel, art has continued to progress throughout time and it continues to progresses even further. There are many different types of art to depict different things the artist wants to transfer to his viewers if not created for himself. 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